Magento Development

How To Install Magento 2

Users who try to install Magento 2.4.2 can encounter a 404 Not Found issue. For the best outcome, adhere to the article’s proposed remedy.

Long time has passed since Magento released their 2.0 version. Many current Magento 1 customers will probably switch to Magento 2 at some point in the future due to the latter’s friendlier user interface and enhanced performance. SimiCart also released a Magento 2 mobile app in December 2016 to keep up with the vogue.

Today, we’ll demonstrate how to use the XAMPP server to locally install Magento 2.4 on Windows. Both current Magento 2 users and users who are brand-new to Magento are intended 

audiences for this course. Let’s get going now!

Steps to Install Magento 2 

  • Install Magento 2 via composer
  • Install Magento 2 via Github
  • Install Magento 2 from the Archive File
  • Install Magento 2 via composer

In PHP, a composer is a tool for managing dependencies. Visit this link: https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md to find out more about the composer.

The Magento core code is kept in the /vendor directory and can be updated using Magento admin, much like the way described above.

Get your authentication keys from this location. Go to “My Access Keys,” give the new set of keys a meaningful “Name,” and then navigate there.

Use the terminal to type the following command:

Composer create-project –repository-url=https://repo.magento.com/ magento/project-community-edition

Magento 2 can be installed. Install it right away by simply following the Setup Wizard.

That completes the Magento 2 installation using Composer without sample data.

I’ll now demonstrate how to install sample data for you. 

Use the terminal to navigate to the root directory of Magento 2, then enter the following command:

Php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento sampledata:deploy

Php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento sampledata:deploy

The composer.json file will be modified and the example data installed when you perform the aforementioned two commands. If the Magento compilation command needs to be restarted, type the following:

php bin/magento setup:di:c

As the command is being carried out, relax and wait for a moment.

Install Magento 2 via Github

As you do the following:

Download an essential release or clone the Magento 2 repository from github.com/magento/magento2. Github.com/magento/magento2/releases.

Establish a fresh, empty directory.

Run the command line:

Git clone Magento/Magento2.git [email protected]

Hold off until the deployment is complete.

Input the command as follows:

Install Composer 1

An example of a command to install Magento 2 is composer install. 

Verify that the base-url, database name, password, admin email, and password correspond to your local configuration.

Installing Magento with the following command:

php -f bin/magento setup:install -base-url= —backend-frontname= —db-host= —db-name= —db-user= —db-password —admin-firstname= —admin-lastname= —admin-email —admin-user= Use-rewrites=1 —admin-password= —language= —currency= —timezone=

Go to your local URL in your browser by opening it.

Magento 2 has now been set up!

Follow these steps to install Magento 2 using Github and example data:

Navigate to a location other than Magento 2’s web root.

Run the command below:

Git clone 1 Magento/magento2-sample-data.git at github.com

Git clone Magento/magento2-sample-data.git at [email protected]

Go to the Magento 2 cloned directory.

Run the command below:

PHP-FILE dev/tools/BUILD-SAMPLE-DATA.PHP your Magento CE installation directory —

PHP-FILE dev/tools/BUILD-SAMPLE-DATA.PHP — —ce-source=”the installation directory for Magento CE”

Your Magento 2 installation has symlinks made.

You must set ownership and permissions for a Linux machine:

Chown the group name of your web server, locate. Type d, execute, and chmod g+ws

erase the cache. Run the following command in the Magento 2 var/ folder: rm -rf cache/* page cache/* generation/* 1. rm -rf cache/* page cache/* generation/*

Activate the commands listed below to install the sample data:

  • Magento setup:upgrade in PHP
  • Magento setup:di:compile in PHP
  • Magento setup:upgrade in PHP
  • Magento setup:di:compile in PHP

Install Magento 2 from the Archive File

The Magento Download Page can be accessed. Download the most recent Magento 2 package with or without example data from any of the archive types (zip, tar.gz, tar.bz2).

Extract the zip file to the Magento root directory after uploading it to the server.

Users of shared hosting can extract or unzip the package.

The following commands for the local server:

# File “filename”.tar.gz tar zxf

# Unzip filename> from a.zip file.

# File “filename”.tar.gz tar zxf

# Unzip filename> from a.zip file.

Run the command below to provide write access to the var, app/etc, and pub folders.

Var: chmod 777 -R app/etc: chmod 777 -R

Using the command “chmod 777 -R pub”

Var: chmod 777 -R app/etc: chmod 777 -R

Using the command “chmod 777 -R pub”

Now launch the Magento setup wizard to complete the installation procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if Magento is installed?

Open a web browser and visit the storefront. Enter it in your browser’s address or location bar, for instance, if your Magento installation base URL is http://www.example.com. A sample storefront page is shown in the accompanying figure. Your installation was successful if it shows the results as shown below!

How do I install Magento on my website?

Install Magento on your PC by downloading the Magento application. Create a database on your host and configure it to hold the Magento files. Magento should be uploaded and unpacked before being added to your new database. Configure your settings and get your Magento site ready by setting up the platform.

Is Magento 2 free to use?

The free eCommerce platform Magento 2 CE, also known as Open Source, allows you to obtain the most recent version without having to pay an additional price. However, Magento 2 EE is a premium edition. While paying for a Magento licence, you can access all the advanced features.

Is coding required for Magento?

Magento has code standards, just as many other sizable projects. When adding to Magento’s codebase or making extensions, follow its coding guidelines.

Which language does Magento use?

Scripting language PHP
Model-view-controller architecture and the Zend framework are both used by Magento, which is created in the PHP programming language.


So this was all about installing Magento 2. magento  is a flexible yet strong platform that lets users create and modify unique features. As a result, there are numerous techniques that we should all understand and keep up with.


Gaurav Yadav

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