Traits and Trait Composition

Traits in PHP provide a mechanism for code reuse without inheritance. They allow developers to reuse methods in several independent classes. Trait composition refers to the process of using multiple traits in a single class. Let’s illustrate traits and trait composition with an example:

// Define a trait
trait Swimming {
    public function swim() {
        return "Swimming...";

trait Flying {
    public function fly() {
        return "Flying...";

// Use traits in a class
class Bird {
    use Flying;

class Fish {
    use Swimming;

class Duck {
    use Flying, Swimming; // Trait composition

// Create instances of the classes and call the methods
$bird = new Bird();
echo $bird->fly(); // Output: Flying...

$fish = new Fish();
echo $fish->swim(); // Output: Swimming...

$duck = new Duck();
echo $duck->fly(); // Output: Flying...
echo $duck->swim(); // Output: Swimming...


  • We define two traits: Swimming and Flying, each containing a method related to its behavior.
  • The Bird class uses the Flying trait, which enables birds to fly.
  • The Fish class uses the Swimming trait, which allows fish to swim.
  • The Duck class uses both the Flying and Swimming traits, demonstrating trait composition. Ducks can both fly and swim.
  • When we create instances of these classes and call the methods, each object behaves according to its traits.

Traits provide a way to reuse code across classes without using inheritance, thus avoiding some of the limitations of single inheritance in PHP. Trait composition allows for combining multiple traits in a single class, providing flexibility in code organization and reuse.

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