Polymorphism and Method Binding

Polymorphism and method binding are essential concepts in object-oriented programming that facilitate flexibility, code reuse, and abstraction. Let’s delve into each concept with an example:


  • Polymorphism refers to the ability of objects to take on multiple forms or behave differently based on their specific type or class hierarchy.
  • It allows methods to be defined in a general way in a superclass and then overridden in subclasses to provide specialized behavior.
  • Polymorphism enables code to be written in a way that operates on objects of various types without needing to know their specific type at compile time.

Method Binding:

  • Method binding determines which implementation of a method (e.g., overridden method in a subclass) should be called at runtime when the method is invoked.
  • There are two types of method binding: static binding (early binding) and dynamic binding (late binding or runtime binding).
  • Static binding occurs at compile time and is based on the declared type of the object, while dynamic binding occurs at runtime and is based on the actual type of the object.

Example illustrating polymorphism and method binding:

// Parent class
class Animal {
    public function makeSound() {
        return "Animal makes a sound";

// Subclasses inheriting from Animal
class Dog extends Animal {
    public function makeSound() {
        return "Woof! Woof!";

class Cat extends Animal {
    public function makeSound() {
        return "Meow! Meow!";

// Function demonstrating polymorphism
function animalMakeSound(Animal $animal) {
    return $animal->makeSound();

// Creating instances of different classes
$animal1 = new Animal();
$animal2 = new Dog();
$animal3 = new Cat();

// Calling the function with different objects
echo animalMakeSound($animal1); // Output: Animal makes a sound
echo animalMakeSound($animal2); // Output: Woof! Woof!
echo animalMakeSound($animal3); // Output: Meow! Meow!


  • We have a parent class Animal with a method makeSound() and two subclasses Dog and Cat, each providing their implementation of the makeSound() method.
  • The animalMakeSound() function demonstrates polymorphism by accepting objects of type Animal (or its subclasses) as arguments and calling the makeSound() method on them.
  • When we pass different objects (of Animal, Dog, and Cat types) to the animalMakeSound() function, polymorphism allows the appropriate makeSound() method implementation to be invoked dynamically based on the actual type of the object at runtime.

Polymorphism and method binding play crucial roles in object-oriented programming, enabling flexible and extensible code designs. They promote code reuse and abstraction by allowing behavior to be defined generically and overridden in specialized subclasses.

Same Above Code using protected access modifier:

Yes, you can achieve similar functionality using the protected access modifier instead of public for the makeSound() method in the Animal class. However, it’s important to note that using protected will restrict direct access to the makeSound() method outside the class and its subclasses, but it will still be accessible within the class hierarchy.

Here’s how you can modify the code with the protected access modifier:

// Parent class
class Animal {
    protected function makeSound() {
        return "Animal makes a sound";

// Subclasses inheriting from Animal
class Dog extends Animal {
    public function makeSound() {
        return "Woof! Woof!";

class Cat extends Animal {
    public function makeSound() {
        return "Meow! Meow!";

// Function demonstrating polymorphism
function animalMakeSound(Animal $animal) {
    return $animal->makeSound();

// Creating instances of different classes
$animal1 = new Animal();
$animal2 = new Dog();
$animal3 = new Cat();

// Calling the function with different objects
echo animalMakeSound($animal1); // Output: Animal makes a sound
echo animalMakeSound($animal2); // Output: Woof! Woof!
echo animalMakeSound($animal3); // Output: Meow! Meow!

In this modified code:

  • The makeSound() method in the Animal class is now declared as protected, restricting direct access to it from outside the class.
  • The Dog and Cat subclasses can still override the makeSound() method because it’s accessible within the class hierarchy due to its protected visibility.
  • The animalMakeSound() function remains unchanged and can still accept objects of type Animal (or its subclasses) and call the makeSound() method on them.

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